Spotlight on Women in Israel Receiving Direct Support from Project Kesher


At Project Kesher, we often share big-picture updates on the work we champion, but our efforts also have a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of individual women and families.

Take Alina, a Ukrainian immigrant living in Israel. She lost her husband right before the war and is now the sole provider for three young children. Her business as a home-based massage therapist collapsed after October 7th and she has experienced heavy bombing in her Ashkelon home. Project Kesher Israel provided her with vouchers to purchase food for her family.  She has said, “Project Kesher Israel made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I was out of options, and was moved to tears knowing that PKI would help support my children after I lost my job.”

In addition, Kateryna, a refugee from Ukraine, currently lives in Petach Tikva with her daughter, Daniela, who is receiving cancer treatments at a local hospital. Kateryna has no citizenship status, passport or ability to work. Project Kesher Israel is directly helping her through this incredibly difficult period. In her words: “Thank you to Project Kesher Israel for providing my family with food so that I could focus on the needs of my daughter. I truly do not know what we would have done without your support and comfort.”

Samantha Tieger